Research Program
The Rocky Mountain Internal Medicine Conference is committed to providing high quality education, research, and clinical practice support to academic and community-based General Internists, resident physicians, and medical students.
Abstract submissions are now being accepted for the 2019 meeting, for case presentations and research/quality improvement projects. Guidelines are as follows:
General guidelines for submission:
Deadline for submission is August 31, 2019 at midnight (Mountain Time). Submit your abstract as a Microsoft Word file on the Abstract Submission page.
Abstracts should be less than 300 words.
Include an identifying title, the names and affiliations of contributing authors, any funding support received, and 3-5 key words.
All submissions must be endorsed by a supervising faculty overseeing the care of the patient or project.
Case presentations:
The body must contain no data that would allow identification of the patient
A letter of release of information signed by the patient must be provided.
Research or quality improvement projects:
Structure abstracts with background, methods, results and conclusion sections.
Abstracts will be reviewed by the Annual Meeting Committee with notification regarding selection sent out by October 11th, 2019. Selected abstracts will be invited for a poster presentation, and in the resident category only, two abstracts will be selected for a 15-minute oral presentation rather than a poster. The best case report and best research project in the resident category (from both oral and poster presentations) will receive awards following the graded presentations on November 15, 2019.
Please ensure you include the following with your submission:
Completion of the Conflict of Interest Disclosure Statement
Patient Consent Form (if submitting a case report)
Provision of one or two learning objectives in the form of, “At the end of this presentation, attendees will be able to…”
Finally, all abstracts accepted at the Rocky Mountain Conference will be published in the Canadian Journal of General Internal Medicine.
For more information, please contact
We look forward to seeing you in Banff!